Problem Gambling Environment

  1. Problem Gambling Environmental
  2. Problem Gambling Environment Meaning

Problem gambling is an urge to gamble continuously despite negative consequences or a desire to stop. Problem gambling is often defined by whether harm is experienced by the gambler or others, rather than by the gambler's behaviour. Severe problem gambling may be diagnosed as clinical pathological gambling if the gambler meets certain criteria. Management in addressing problem gambling issues and their effects in the workplace. To reduce the negative effects of gambling on the workplace, no employees may participate in any gambling activity while working or using Company-provided equipment. Most people with gambling problems say they lost control over how much time and money they spend gambling. Meanwhile, they ignored other responsibilities. They knew they had problems, but only gambling seemed important. Many people who gamble excessively have mixed feelings about gambling. The Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) operates the Problem Gambling Services program, with a mission of providing a comprehensive network of consumer-oriented problem gambling recovery services for the people of Connecticut and fostering an environment throughout the state that promotes informed choices around gambling. Studies on alcohol addiction using twin pairs find that roughly half the risk of becoming an alcoholic is due to genetics. Environmental Influences on Addiction. Studies find that the environment also plays a significant role in addiction. The environment in which someone grows up is important, as is the environment in which they live as adults.


Following are some sample recommended workplace policies for government agencies. Special thanks to Iowa Department of Public Health and Marion County Health Department.

Sample 1

Problem Gambling Environmental

(Credit: Iowa Department of Public Health)

XYZ Corporation, Inc. (the Company) intends to help provide a gambling-free work environment for our clients and our employees. The Company believes gambling during work time or using work-related resources to gamble is not an appropriate use of work time (including e-mail, phone, internet, etc.). With this goal in mind and to avert problem gambling in today’s workplace, we are establishing the following policy for existing and future employees of XYZ Corporation, Inc.

The Company explicitly prohibits:

  • Any gambling while at work. This includes use of company e-mail, phone, internet, etc. to gamble.
  • Gambling includes, but is not limited to, NCAA tournament brackets, sports betting, fantasy football, Lottery/Powerball pools, etc.

If an employee is gambling on company time or using work-related resources, the employee may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and possibly including discharge from employment. In such a case, the employee may be given an opportunity to go to a licensed problem gambling treatment program for a problem gambling evaluation and treatment if recommended.

Sample 2

(Credit: Marion County Health Department, Oregon)

The Company is committed to promoting a productive and healthy work environment for all our employees. We seek to create a supportive workplace environment in which

employees feel comfortable and supported in seeking assistance and recovering from a variety of behavioral health issues, including problem gambling. The purpose of this policy is to increase awareness of problem gambling and to provide guidance for employees and

Problem Gambling Environment Meaning

management in addressing problem gambling issues and their effects in the workplace.

To reduce the negative effects of gambling on the workplace, no employees may participate in any gambling activity while working or using Company-provided equipment. Help for Employees and Family Members: If you feel you or a family member has a gambling problem, please free, confidential treatment for gambling problems is available throughout the State via the Oregon Problem Gambling Helpline (1-877- MY LIMIT).

Sample Excerpt for Internet Use Policy (Including Gambling)

Employees may not use the Internet access provided by the company to:

  • Use internet-enabled activities such as gambling, excessive gaming, conducting a business or conducting illegal activities.